DebConf6 Blog - Live from Mexico, Oaxtepec, first day down here (Posted by: Joerg Jaspert)
So, this should be the first blog post of the “DebConf6 Live Blog”, run by the DebConf6 Organizers, which appears on Planet Debian.
Lets start with some pictures: I have put up some pictures from my flight (the food :) ), and then from today here in Oaxtepec online. You can find them at our gallery, below the DebConf6 album. Everyone else who takes picture: Feel free to register at the gallery, and then send a little mail to [email protected], then you can put all your pictures also online there.
On the network side - well, we dont have network up in the Vacational Centre yet, Im sitting in a Internet Cafe down in the town, where some locals are building up Wifi Stuff to get Net to our events place. Lets see how that works out.
For the rest: Its a very nice place, really.
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