Before Debcamp/Debconf starts
Before May 6th, basically the only way to contact us is electronically. The main email address for contacting the organisers is [email protected].
For immediate interactivity, you can try to reach one the organisers via IRC, in channel #debconf-team on (freenode).
The are some mailing lists you might be interested in, dealing with both organizative and general topics. Please take a look at our listinfo page.
During Debcamp/Debconf
As we will likely be running from one place to another, the best way to get in touch with us will probably be by phone. Our contact phones are:
- Mexico City based phone number: (55)8590-9000 ext. 1000
- Oaxtepec based cell phone: (still pending) (735)xxx-xxxx
- Gunnar Wolf's personal cell phone: (55)1451-2244
Please use this phone as a last resort (it is quite expensive for me to receive calls while in Oaxtepec). But if you must, it is good if you have the number handy. - People that can help you in Mexico City
- David Moreno (damog): Cell phone (55)2900-9939. He will be travelling every day between Mexico and Oaxtepec
How to dial?
- From outside Mexico, dial (+52) and the full number with area code - i.e. to call our main number, (+52-55)8590-9000, wait for the recording, 1000.
- From Mexico City, dial our main number with no prefix (8590-9000). To dial local cell phones, you have to start with 04455, so Gunnar's phone would be (04455)1451-2244. For our Oaxtepec cell phone, dial as if it were a regular long distance call inside Mexico - (01735)xxx-xxxx.
- From Oaxtepec/Cuautla/Yautepec, dial any number in Mexico city (cellular or otherwise) starting with (0155) - (0155)8590-9000. The Oaxtepec cell phone should be dialed (044735)xxx-xxxx.
- From any other place inside Mexico, prefix everything with 01.