- Howto get to Oaxtepec
- Mexico
- Morelos State
- Yautepec Municipality
- About Oaxtepec
Location: Morelos Sate.
Territorial extension: 202,936 Kms2
Total population: 84,405 habitants (2000)
Elevation: 1,210 m over the sea.
Weather: annual temperature is around 21.7�C (71.06�F). The rain is 945.7 mm yearly.
Tetillas hills with an altitude of 1,634 m
Montenegro hills with 1,600 m
Iglesia Vieja hill with 1,200 m
Calder�n hill which divides Amilpa and Yautepec valleys.
Hidrography: Yautepec river surges in Oaxtepec manantials and relieves water from the Tlayacapan and Totolapan, crosses the municipal head and become part of Tepoztl�n river, pass by Atribuyan and Xochimancas haciendas, when entering to Tlaltizap�n municipality changes its name for Higuer�n. The most important streams are el Atongo, la Barranca del Esconde, el Huasosoycan and La villa, in the south. There are some temporary rivers like El Ignacio Bastida, El Itzamatitl�n and la barranca del Bosque, of cold and drinkable water, also the sulfured water springs in Oaxtepec. Exists 3 navigable and 34 for water extraction.
Flora and Fauna: Flora is constituted mainly by: low jungle of warm climate with temporal leaves, jacaranda, tabach�n, casahuate, ceiba y bugambilia. The main fauna that we found is cola blanca deer, racoon, tej�n, skunk, armadillo, hare, common rabbit, coyote, wild cat, comadreja, cacomixtle , tlacuache, bat], flag bird, chachalaca, urraca copetona, zopilote, aura, crow, owl, singing and decorative birds.
Municipality Chronology:
1389 Tlahuicas were attacked by Yautepec people.
1505 In Moctezuma�s time, Yautepec was used as a place of relaxation. In Oaxtepec the mexica emperors built a large botanical garden.
1567 The dominiques started the building of Asunci�n de la Virgen convent. Franciscan, Dominician and Augustinian friars carried their work of evangelization to the rest of New Spain. In the village of Oaxtepec, they founded the Hospital of Santa Cruz, one of the first in America, whose fame attracted sick persons from as far away as Guatemala and Peru.
1660 The sugar haciendas of Cocoyoc and Atlihuay�n were built.
1869 When Morelos became a state, Yautepec was its capital, later it became a municipality.